Ape Action Africa - New Nursery Please!

A nonprofit organization

$11,413 raised by 144 donors

36% complete

$31,725 Goal

Ape Action Africa is a conservation sanctuary in Cameroon,
one of the last places on earth where gorillas and chimpanzees still exist in the wild.

These babies need a proper nursery!

Tiny chimp boys Caesar (top) and Gus are rare survivors of a disappearing species. Not even
6 months old, they have already been through the trauma of losing their
families, their homes and even suffered injuries themselves.
To survive, they need 24-hour care, comfort and monitoring in some place clean and strong.

Our old nursery has given its all...

For more than two decades, this humble wooden building has served as nursery to
as many as 11 baby gorillas and chimps at a time, plus: education office, staff housing,
supplies storage, and volunteer dorm. It has been repaired many, many times, but now,
as you can see, it is simply unusable.

Join us and build a strong and safe nursery


With bedrooms for the most vulnerable infants whose caregivers
 sleep in the room with them, giving them contant care and comfort 24 hours a day.
And with group rooms for those who are a bit more independent. 

With a veranda so these littlest ones can be outside even when it rains
- and it does rain! With facilities for on-site laundry - you know how babies are...
And a kitchen so their infant formula can be prepared in a sanitary environment.
And of course, solar power and rain capture!

Won't you join us?  Just look:

Your gift of $334 provides one truckload of fine sand

For just $150 you can give 15 rods of rebar for strength

Your donation of $73 provides 100 concrete blocks for safety and security

And with just $13 you can sponsor a full packet of nails

Please, join us and give what you can!

A silverback-sized thank you for your compassion and generosity.

P.S. Plus, during Giving Day for Apes, we compete to win more than $60,000 in prizes!
Every donor counts, and so does every dollar. Please, give now.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Thanks to the support of generous friends around the world, year-round we rescue
innocent victims of the illegal wildlife trades and give them new homes in lush, safe rainforest.
Please, join us now.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Ape Action Africa - New Nursery Please!

Tax id (EIN)




Apes Categories

Chimpanzees, Gorillas

Small Budget Organizations

Small Budget Organizations


555 Bryant St. #862
Palo Alto, CA 94301


1 650 283 5271

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