CSWCT Ngamba Island

A nonprofit organization

$25,822 raised by 54 donors

52% complete

$50,000 Goal

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary was established in 1998 for the care and welfare of entrusted animals while conserving the ecosystem of the island.  

Ngamba island is home to 53 chimpanzees and before each finding a home they were victims of pet trade, loss of their relatives/community and no place to thrive.

Today Ngamba Island gives chimpanzee choices they never had like having a new home and family where they can express their chimpanzee behavior.

The Island now offers them a home where they can freely roam in the 95 Arce forest, climbing trees, making friends and learn how to love one another.

Goal: In order to increase the establishment fund and ensure the long-term viability of the chimpanzees. This year we target to raise  $50,000 for our conservation and education programs. Every contribution matters. 

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary provides for the welfare needs of these chimpanzees, from veterinary health care, feeding, infrastructure, and staffing qualified and capable personnel to care for the chimpanzees.  

In providing for their welfare, the Trust faces ever-increasing costs of feeding and health care for the chimpanzees as well as the development and maintenance of the infrastructure needed. These are due to the rising costs of living. 

With out your support we will not be able to sustain our operations at Ngamba Island for the rest of the year.

On behalf of the 52 chimpanzees at Ngamba Island , thank you for your generosity and love.

Pant Hoots

 Enable us to raise  $50,000 Us dollars

Organization Data


Organization name

CSWCT Ngamba Island



Apes Categories


Small Budget Organizations

Small Budget Organizations


Entebbe, DC



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