Freedom for Great Apes

A nonprofit organization

$35,157 raised by 130 donors

41% complete

$85,000 Goal

At FGA we’re building a better future for captive chimpanzees!

Last year we raised over $40,000 in our annual Giving Day for Apes fundraiser, thanks to you!  This allowed us to continue daily care for the chimpanzees and maintenance around the sanctuary grounds. This year we set a grand goal of $85,000 for the daily care of the chimpanzees, as well as sanctuary modernization and maintenance. Your donation will bring us one step closer to making it happen! Your support will be an investment in the future of this sanctuary, allowing us to continue creating a better life for these and future chimpanzees who are in need of a safe place to call home.

This day serves as a powerful reminder of the collective impact we can make when we come together to support a cause we care deeply about. The chimpanzees’ lives in sanctuary would not be possible without the support of generous and loving people like you. Your donation will go toward the direct care of the chimpanzees and construction expenses to modernize their indoor house and structural enrichment.

Join us in this vital campaign today and make a lasting impact on the lives of these extraordinary creatures.

This year, we are counting on you again to help create a brighter future for the chimps that call this sanctuary home!


Great apes, unlike dogs, cats and horses, are not domesticated animals. Chimpanzees are highly social beings whose natural development hinges on the presence of their own kind and the freedom to explore their surroundings.

Chimpanzees thrive in the company of fellow chimpanzees, relying on their social interactions for emotional well-being and cognitive development. They require ample space to roam and engage in their natural behaviors, which are essential for their physical and mental health.

It is crucial to recognize the unique needs of chimpanzees as well as provide them with environments that mimic their natural habitats as closely as possible. By understanding and respecting their natural inclinations, we can contribute to their overall welfare and ensure their lives are enriched and fulfilling.

At Freedom for Great Apes (FGA), many of the residents arrived here after years of exploitation in the entertainment industry or pet trade. These remarkable individuals have been given a new lease on life and can at last truly flourish. 

They now have the opportunity to live in a way that aligns with their natural instincts; this allows them to express their inherent behaviors, experience joy through laughter and play, freely explore their surroundings, and form social bonds with their fellow chimpanzees–all without the burden of exploitation. We are dedicated to providing them with a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive and enjoy the freedom they deserve.

We prioritize the well-being of our residents. The chimpanzees residing at our sanctuary have the opportunity to thrive. They are provided with a range of amenities including expansive indoor habitats spanning over 3,300 square feet, elevated tunnels for exploration, and three spacious outdoor habitats. In addition, they are treated to a nutritious diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables and engage in daily enrichment activities to stimulate their minds and promote their overall well-being. 

Great apes are complex, social, and emotional beings that deserve the freedom to choose their activities, to choose love, to choose to share a meal, or choose to take a nap in the grass.  Freedom for Great Apes is a sanctuary specifically designed to provide a safe haven dedicated to the physical, social, behavioral and psychological well-being of chimpanzees in captivity. We are committed to overcoming the exploitation and cruelty that captive great apes face through education, advocacy and collaboration. 

We envision a world where our closest living relatives live free from human exploitation and cruelty. Will you join us in making their voices heard here and around the world?

Organization Data


Organization name

Freedom for Great Apes

Tax id (EIN)



North America

Apes Categories


Small Budget Organizations

Small Budget Organizations


PO Box 7794
BEND, OR 97708



Social Media